Do you know someone that would benefit from short or long-term residential program?
Our Residential Program is Open!
We are accepting referrals for short and long-term care
Questions? Please call 443-786-1843
Harriett's House is a Christian organization offering restorative care in our residential program. Mary’s Sanctuary is a a place of refuge, respite, and restoration for women survivors of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. In the home, residents will receive comprehensive care physically, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually. Our program focuses on safety, stabilization, healing, and new life. Women will have time each day to learn life skills, relationship skills, continue their education, form meaningful relationships, and heal from the complex trauma they have experienced. All in the safety of a home with 24-hour staff in an undisclosed location.
We have space for up to 3 residents at a time. Please follow the link for the referral process to fill out the online application form. There is information about the referral process and requirements to attend the program.
The highest priority in the home is safety. As such, women will have to agree to surrender their cell phones and electronic devices to be a part of the program. We do not want to risk the safety of our residents, staff, or volunteers. Internet access will be limited and only available to residents when they are participating in online learning, which will begin in phase two of the program. The home is equipped with a privacy fence and a security system with exterior cameras. Staff is on-site 24/7 and is working in partnership with residents to reach their goals.
Our program consists of short-term and long-term care. Short-term is 3 months and long-term is up to 18 months. Phase one is the extent of our short-term program. At the end of phase one, an assessment will be completed with the opportunity for the client to extend their stay or to leave the program. At every phase, women will learn life skills and will be responsible for personal hygiene, taking care of their personal space, personal laundry, daily chores, and cooking meals on a rotation. We have a case manager who works with the women to set short-term and long-term goals and help set appointments for dental, medical, and other needs such as obtaining an ID.
The following is a breakdown of each phase:
Phase 1 Respite (0-3 months) Residents will focus on stabilization with an emphasis on safety, sobriety, and one-on-one therapy. At the end of phase one, those in the short-term program will have the opportunity to exit or to continue on.
Phase 2 Renewal (3-6 months) Residents will start focusing on academics and have a higher focus on their trauma and self-care.
Phase 3 Redirection (6-12 months) Residents will continue with one-on-one therapy and academics. They will begin to receive job training, resume writing, mock interviews and will be encouraged to get a job. We will establish relationships with a few local businesses to employ our residents. Residents will be able to work certain hours so they can continue their education in the morning and work in the afternoon or evening. When residents secure a job, they will be given access to their cell phones on a limited basis.
Phase 4 Restoration (12-18 months) Residents will continue all areas in the previous phase and will be encouraged to start saving money so they will have funds available when they leave the program. They will plan with their case manager next steps and transitioning from our program.
Mary's Sanctuary is dedicated to Mary Calloway. Mary was a woman who loved to help others. Her son, Derek Wanex, donated the house in honor of his mother. We want this home to be a place of refuge, respite, and restoration for every woman who walks through the doors.
Program and Schedule
Your schedule during the beginning phase is pre-determined. You are expected to actively participate in all groups and responsibilities. The specific activities or programs may change, but this schedule has been designed to help you where you are now and prepare you for your future. The general schedule is:
Mondays – Friday
7 am Residents wake up and begin getting ready for the day.
7:30am Devotions. After devotions you will have time for personal readiness and getting your room straight
At 9:45am, the Direct Care staff will begin to make rounds to check rooms and chores.
10:00am In the first phase you will have groups and other activities. In later phases, Academic time
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm In the early afternoon you will either have additional classes, tutoring, one-on-one meetings
3:00pm The rest of the day is scheduled into therapeutic or enrichment groups.
4:15 pm Person responsible for dinner will work with staff to prepare the meal
5:00 pm Dinner is served by resident & staff, according to schedule
7:00pm Programming or Personal time
10:00pm Personal Quiet Time – you can read, journal, or engage in other quiet activities in your room until ready to fall asleep
7:30am Morning Devotions
10:00 Each week may be different, but will include working as a group on household chores, a special activity or outing. There may also be time for you to be working on topics of interest to you or engage in hobbies.
5:00pm Dinner
7:00pm Programming or Game Night
11:00pm Personal Quiet Time
9:30am Church as a group
Sunday afternoons are a time to relax with art, crafts, and entertainment.
5:00pm Family Dinner
7:30pm Movie and Discussion or Game Night
10:00pm Personal Quiet Time
Please scroll down to view our Resident Handbook
We would like to thank the following businesses, organizations and individuals who are making the renovations to the home possible:
William Paterakis
Brown Advisory
Robin Corey Elliott
Marc Weller
Alexander Smith
Rosemary Hoover
Bozzuto & Associates
Lou and Alison Cohen
St. John's Escrow
Baxter Family Foundation
Venice Paterakis Smith & Karen Paterakis Philippou Irrev. Trust
H&S Bakery
Dresher Foundation
Kelly Integral Solutions
Leslie Bishop
VFW Post 7464
American Legion Post 91
Dorchester Elks Lodge 223
Ed and Anne Thomas
Trinity Bible Church
Open Bible Church
Ruff Roofers
Crain & Sons Masonry
To support our work please send donations to:
Harriett's House
P.O. Box 586
Cambridge, MD 21613
Donations are tax deductible EIN 83-2279182
Online donations can be made here